Well, hello there!
To start this blog series off, I am going to speak to one of the most important things when it comes to wax aftercare. Exfoliation!
There are a variety of exfoliators on the market today. Here I will touch base on a few types I recommend, their role, and when to use them for optimum results.
If you are a client of mine or know anything about me, you know that I always promote exfoliation, to me it is the core of proper waxing or even grooming.
The number one thing I recommend is a Dry Skin Brush, while they go by many names (i.e., shower brush, skin brush, etc..). The vital thing to keep in mind is the type of "Brush" you are selecting. All-natural bristles are key, and I prefer the Aloe Sisal style as it is tough enough to last and, when used properly, is a highly effective exfoliator, which only takes less than one minute from your pre-shower routine. A full-body Dry Skin Brushing routine can eliminate toxins, increase energy, and is said to be equal to approximately 20 minutes of running.
Best type Natural bristle (never plastic bristles).
Recommend use every day for the first seven days after a waxing treatment, then at least three times a week, and once again 24 hours before your next waxing.
To clean, use mild soap and rinse under water until clean, then let dry.
Get your Dry Skin Brush here.
When it comes to Washcloth exfoliator or a glove type exfoliation, first, I have never met any man, myself included where these gloves have fit. Second, with all "in shower" options like the washcloths, you need to keep them CLEAN. Throwing them in the washer at least once a week is a must they may harbor bacteria which may cause ingrown hairs or even acne. Thirdly, these exfoliators are not "strong" enough, in my opinion, which means you will need to use them every day. While simple and easy to use, you need to replace these items every month to ensure the best results from use.
The best type is the washcloth types, not the gloves. They are mainly made from a nylon material and work the best.
Recommended for everyday use in the shower with a "gel" type shower wash (gels rinse entirely from the skin, where cream shower washes leave behind reside).
To clean throw in your washer at least once a week. Replace every 30 days.
Get a pack of 4 Nylon Shower Cloths here.
Sugar and Salt Scrubs. One of my favorite tools to use when it comes to exfoliating; however, it does come with caveats and precautions. If you are new to the world of waxing or even exfoliation, I would not recommend starting with this type as they are expensive as well as sometimes messy. Sugar is a much better choice over a salt scrub when it comes to waxing, and this is because sugars are more moisturizing as well as being smaller in grain size (this means they will not "abrasie" the skin like a salt will or can). There are so many types of these on the market today, so it can be overwhelming to choose one, but they all operate on the same principle, go for scent. I do like a good sugar scrub in a gel base as they tend to stay on the skin rather than one in an oil base, which can make your shower a bit of a slip and slide. Using a scrub is very easy, but if you are combining it with waxing, use only two to three times a week maximum.
The best type of sugar is in a gel base.
Recommended using two to three times a week at a maximum.
Hands Down my Favorite Sugar Scrub.
Chemical exfoliators are the last thing I recommend to clients. They range from Vitamin C's to Retina products, to a Salicylic. These are generally the last resort for me in recommendations to clients and are on a case by case basis, including recommended treatment time. I will cover each in more detail in another post, but to give you a brief overview, I suggest them when there tends to be a problem, and other treatments have not cleared up the situation. I treat these exfoliators just like I would any skincare regimen, so use and length of time are dependent upon the client and the issue.
The best type depends on the client's needs and situation.
Recommended using when needed or as discussed by the treatment professional.
One of the best Salicylic creams, which I also use in my treatment room, contains a small amount of salicylic, which helps in the prevention of possible outbreaks.
I hope this information helps in clearing up some of the many types of exfoliators on the market, especially when it comes to exfoliation and waxing.
See you next week with a new post. George